5 Advanced Data Fetching Techniques in React for Enhanced User Experience
Data fetching is a critical yet challenging aspect of modern application development. The unpredictable nature of network conditions — slow connections, system errors, downtimes — along with the inherent complexity of asynchronous programming can significantly impact the functionality and reliability of your application. Moreover, inefficient data fetching strategies can lead to performance bottlenecks, prolong loading times, and detract from user experience.
In this article, I’ll delve into five data fetching patterns that can optimize your React application’s performance and enhance user experience. If you would like some in-depth material and practical examples on this topic, look at my free tutorial here: Advanced Data-Fetching Patterns in React. This tutorial is designed to complement the concepts we’ll discuss here and provide you with a hands-on learning experience.
1. Parallel Data Requests
Introduction to Parallel Data Requests
Parallel data requests involve fetching multiple data sources simultaneously rather than sequentially. This technique is particularly beneficial when your application needs to retrieve data from independent sources or APIs, and none of these requests depend on the results of the others. By executing these requests in parallel, you can significantly reduce the overall loading time of your application.
Think of we have a page below. The user About section and Friends section need to fetch data separately on /users/<id> and /users/<id>/friends. If we fetch data in each component itself, it will cause the request waterfall issue.
const Profile = ({ id }: { id: string }) => {
const [user, setUser] = useState<User | undefined>();
useEffect(() => {
const fetchUser = async () => {
const data = await get<User>(`/users/${id}`);
}, [id]);
return (
{user && <About user={user} />}
<Friends id={id} />
Above, we fetch data for the basic user information, and in Friends
const Friends = ({ id }: { id: string }) => {
const [users, setUsers] = useState<User[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
const fetchFriends = async () => {
const data = await get<User[]>(`/users/${id}/friends`);
}, [id]);
return (
{users.map((user) => (
<Friend key={user.id} user={user} />
We could modify the code to request data altogether in Profile:
const Profile = ({ id }: { id: string }) => {
const [user, setUser] = useState<User | undefined>();
const [friends, setFriends] = useState<User[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
const fetchUserAndFriends = async () => {
const [user, friends] = await Promise.all([
}, [id]);
return (
{user && <About user={user} />}
<Friends users={friends} />
This way, we can demolish the waterfall issue, and the application renders faster (still depends on the slowest request to return, but faster than before).
When to Use
Use parallel data requests in scenarios where your application requires data from multiple endpoints that aren’t interdependent. This is common in dashboards, complex forms, or pages that display aggregated data from various sources. Implementing parallel requests ensures that the user doesn’t have to wait unnecessarily for sequential network calls to complete, thus enhancing the responsiveness and efficiency of your app.
2. Lazy Load + Suspense (Code Split)
Introduction to Lazy Load and Suspense
Lazy loading, combined with React’s Suspense, allows you to split your application into multiple chunks loaded only when needed. This method drastically reduces the initial load time by ensuring that users download only the essential code at first. Suspense acts as a placeholder for your components or data until the required code chunk or data is loaded.
We could use React.lazy and Suspense API to make it faster only requires a JavaScript bundle when needed.
const UserDetailCard = React.lazy(() => import("./user-detail-card.tsx"));
export const Friend = ({ user }: { user: User }) => {
return (
<Popover placement="bottom" showArrow offset={10}>
<Brief user={user} />
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<UserDetailCard id={user.id} />
Friend uses React's lazy loading feature to dynamically load a UserDetailCard component within a popover. The UserDetailCard is not loaded until it is actually rendered, which is managed by the React.lazy function. This enhances performance by reducing the initial load time of the application. In the Friend component, a popover is created with a button as its trigger. When this button is clicked, the popover displays, and the UserDetailCard component, encapsulated within a Suspense
component, loads. The Suspense component provides a loading fallback (<div>Loading...</div>) until UserDetailCard
is ready to be displayed. This setup optimizes resource loading and improves user experience by showing detailed user information in a popover on demand.
The bundler (web pack or vite, for example) will pack the lazy load into a separate JavaScript file (along with their dependencies), and that could reduce the JavaScript downloaded when the page loads initially.
The image above has three separate JavaScript bundles, which are loaded separately when required.
When to Use
This approach is ideal for large applications with many routes and components, particularly when certain app parts are not immediately necessary for the initial user interaction. Use lazy load and Suspense for heavy components, large libraries, or additional routes that are not critical for the initial rendering.
3. Preload Data Before Interaction
Introduction to Preloading Data
Preloading data refers to fetching data in advance of the user’s interaction with a component that requires this data. This proactive approach ensures that the necessary data is already available by the time the user interacts with the component, providing a smoother and more responsive experience.
import { preload } from "swr";
const UserDetailCard = React.lazy(() => import("./user-detail-card.tsx"));
const Friend = ({ user }: { user: User }) => {
const handleMouseEnter = () => {
preload(`/user/${user.id}/details`, () => getUserDetail(user.id));
return (
<Popover placement="bottom" showArrow offset={10}>
<Brief user={user} />
{/* UserDetailCard */}
Libraries like TanStack Query and SWR all support such preload mechanism. The code example above is using swr
for preload and in the actual component when we do fetch, the data should already be there - so the user experience would be much better.
When to Use
Preload data when user interactions are predictable, and you can anticipate the data they need next. This is particularly effective in user interfaces where certain actions, like hovering over or clicking a specific element, are expected to lead to data-dependent interactions.
4. Static Site Generation (SSG)
Introduction to Static Site Generation
Static Site Generation is a technique where the HTML pages of a website are generated at build time. This method often incorporates data that doesn’t change frequently, allowing for pages to be served quickly without the need for server-side computations or database queries at runtime.
Let’s say I have a quote of the day application, at the build time we could pre-render a few quotes for the users to get some thing to see when they firstly landed on the application.
In the following example, I’m using Next.js to populate data into Home
async function getQuotes(): Promise<QuoteType[]> {
const res = await fetch(
return res.json();
export default async function Home() {
const quotes = await getQuotes();
return (
<Quote initQuotes={quotes} />
In Next.js, the above request will be sent at build time, and when the user accesses the application in the browser, the quotes will already be part of the HTML.
When to Use
Static Site Generation is best used for content that changes infrequently, such as blog posts, documentation, e-commerce product listings, or landing pages. It’s ideal for improving performance in scenarios where the content can be pre-rendered and served directly from a CDN, thereby reducing server load and speeding up content delivery.
5. React Server Component (Streaming)
Introduction to React Server Components
React Server Components allow for rendering components on the server and streaming them to the client. This method enables sending only the necessary data and minimal JavaScript to the client, reducing the amount of code that needs to be downloaded, parsed, and executed, thereby speeding up the interaction time.
Let’s rethink the Profile example above. With the React Server Component, we can define the following components first:
import { Suspense } from "react";
async function UserInfo({ id }: { id: string }) {
const user = await getUser(id);
return (
<About user={user} />
<Suspense fallback={<FeedsSkeleton />}>
<Feeds category={user.interests[0]} />
async function Friends({ id }: { id: string }) {
const friends = await getFriends(id);
return (
{friends.map((user) => (
<Friend user={user} key={user.id} />
The code snippet presents two asynchronous React components, UserInfo and Friends, which fetch and display user-related information.
In UserInfo, an asynchronous function fetches user details using getUser(id). The component renders an <About>component with the fetched user data and a <Feeds> component inside a Suspense block. The Suspense component uses <FeedsSkeleton> as a fallback, displaying it until <Feeds> has finished loading the user's interests.
The Friends component, also asynchronous, retrieves a list of friends for a given user ID through getFriends(id). It renders a list of friends, displaying each friend using the <Friend> component, passed with individual user data. The map function iterates over the friends’ array
export async function Profile({ id }: { id: string }) {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<UserInfoSkeleton />}>
<UserInfo id={id} />
<Suspense fallback={<FriendsSkeleton />}>
<Friends id={id} />
Profile is an asynchronous component in this setup that renders a user's profile information. It uses two child components, UserInfo and Friends, each wrapped in a Suspense component. The Suspense components provide respective fallback skeletons (<UserInfoSkeleton /> and <FriendsSkeleton />), which are displayed while the data for UserInfo and Friends is being fetched and loaded.
In a scenario where Profile, UserInfo, and Friends are React Server Components:
Server-Side Execution: These components would execute on the server. This means the server fetches user information and friends’ data rather than offloading these tasks to the client’s browser.
Streaming to Client: After the server-side execution, only the necessary HTML and minimal JavaScript are sent to the client. React Server Components can stream rendered content to the client, which receives and displays it without running the data fetching logic or heavy component logic client-side.
Enhanced Performance: This approach minimizes the amount of JavaScript sent to the browser, reducing load times and improving performance. The client browser doesn’t need to fetch the data or render the components; it only displays the streamed HTML content.
Current Adoption and Availability
It’s important to note that, as of now, React Server Components are not widely adopted across all frameworks. Their usage is somewhat limited and they are primarily available in a few frameworks, most notably Next.js. This limited adoption can be attributed to several factors:
Experimental Status: React Server Components are still in the experimental phase. They represent a new paradigm in React development, and as with any cutting-edge technology, there’s a period of exploration and refinement before widespread adoption.
Framework Support: Currently, only a few frameworks like Next.js offer out-of-the-box support for React Server Components. This is partly due to the need for specific server-side rendering capabilities and infrastructure which are not universally available in all React frameworks.
Ecosystem Adjustments: Adopting React Server Components also requires changes and adaptations in the broader React ecosystem, including tooling, libraries, and development practices.
Learning Curve: There’s a learning curve associated with adopting React Server Components as they introduce new concepts and patterns in React development.
When to Use
Despite these considerations, React Server Components can be extremely beneficial when offloading compute-intensive operations to the server is advantageous. They are particularly suitable for data-heavy or dynamic applications, where reducing the client-side processing can lead to significant performance gains.
As the technology matures and becomes more integrated into the React ecosystem, we can expect broader adoption and support across more frameworks and tools.
As we conclude our journey through these key data-fetching strategies in React, remember that this is just the tip of the iceberg. For those eager to dive deeper and put these concepts into practice, visit my comprehensive tutorial, Advanced Data-Fetching Patterns in React. There, you’ll find extensive content that builds upon what we’ve covered here, with practical examples and in-depth explanations to further your learning and application of these techniques in real-world scenarios.
This article explores five key data-fetching techniques in React that significantly enhance application performance and user experience. From executing parallel requests to reduce load times, employing lazy loading with Suspense for effective code-splitting, and preloading data for smoother interactions, each method addresses specific performance challenges.
We also discussed Static Site Generation for efficiently handling static content and the emerging yet experimental React Server Components for server-side rendering. While some of these techniques are more established than others, each plays a crucial role in optimizing React applications.
Understanding and applying these strategies can lead to more responsive, faster-loading applications, highlighting the importance of staying updated with the latest React development trends for better web experiences.